Sourcing the Highest Quality Sturgeon

Caspian Queen roe is meticulously selected from around the world. Our caviar is sourced from farms that maintain Sturgeon to only the highest standards. Our goal is to continually source sturgeon fed ultra premium NLAP non-GMO fish feed, that are never given growth hormones, and do not receive antibiotics. You are what you eat, so we make sure our source sturgeon eat just as well.

You can enjoy our caviar knowing that not only is it delicious, it’s good for you too!


Sourcing the Highest Quality Sturgeon

Caspian Queen roe is meticulously selected from around the world. Our caviar is sourced from farms that maintain Sturgeon to only the highest standards. Our goal is to continually source sturgeon fed ultra premium NLAP non-GMO fish feed, that are never given growth hormones, and do not receive antibiotics. You are what you eat, so we make sure our source sturgeon eat just as well.

You can enjoy our caviar knowing that not only is it delicious, it’s good for you too!

Caspian Queen Caviar

Quality and Sustainability

When it comes to luxury dining, there’s no denying that caviar is king. This rich delicacy has been a staple in royal feasts and high-end gatherings for centuries. In the modern era, the popularity of this long sought-after dish is just as strong as ever – though sustainability has become an increasingly present topic when discussing global caviar production.

Oldest Known Delicacy

Types of Caviar

Caviar was first harvested by Russian and Persian fishermen in the Black and Caspian Seas. Today, farm-raised caviar allows for the delicacy to be enjoyed in a sustainable way while protecting the species in the wild.


Caviar from the Beluga sturgeon (Huso huso) comes from the Caspian Sea and is the most highly prized and expensive type of caviar. With soft, very large eggs, Beluga caviar is typically silver or black in color. An adult Beluga sturgeon weighs in at around 2,500 pounds and can live over 100 years old.

Kaluga Hybrid

Caviar from the Kaluga Hybrid sturgeon is known for its balanced and distinct flavor. Its pearls are large and boast a mesmerizing deep grey color, sometimes with flecks of jade. Kaluga Hybrid caviar is the closest you can get to Beluga caviar in terms of size, color, and taste. Because the Kaluga sturgeon is critically endangered in the wild, it is best enjoyed from farmed and sustainable sources.


Caviar from the Ossetra sturgeon is one of the most prized and expensive, runner-up to Beluga caviar. It is known for having a stronger taste than Beluga caviar and has a distinct taste that is both nutty and buttery. Its pearls range in color from deep black to light gold. Ossetra sturgeon live to 50 years old and can weigh 50-400 pounds.

Siberian Sturgeon

Caviar from the Sturgeon is very similar to Osetra caviar. It’s glossy, dark medium to small-sized pearls boast a clean, buttery taste. The Siberian sturgeon is easier to breed and grows more quickly than its counterparts, and it can live up to 60 years of age. Weighing no more than 100 pounds, the Siberian sturgeon is actually one of the smaller sturgeons.


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924 W Washington Blvd Unit 2

Los Angeles, CA 90015-3312


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